Can I use a step up transformer?

Hi everyone :-) I am currently using a .3mv cartridge (Dynavector 20x2) with a phono pre amp (Manley chinook) that only has a 60db output for LOMC, I am not getting the gain I would like, I feel like I am at the boundries of over loading my tube linestage (Manley Jumbo Shrimp) with the volume at 3:00 o clock position.Would this kind of a device even help fix this issue? Where does it hook up?  Assuming it would.... And If you wanted to spend under $2000 for one, can you recommend one that should work well with my system?


Matt M

Showing 1 response by tablejockey


Ive auditioned the Chinook not long ago. Using a .5mv cart, I couldn't figure out why  I had to crank the volume past 12:00 o'clock for a listenable volume, and I heard zero life coming out of the speakers.

I realized I didn't check to see if the dip switches were set for the high gain 60db setting.

Whilie I'm no audio expert, I can't imagine a  .2mv  difference making that much difference as  your preamp also provides a couple of DB's of gain as well. 

Just another thing to check before throwing in the towel and opening your wallet.

I found the Chinook to be a nice sounding unit. Quieter than my tubed Fosgate, at louder than normal listening levels-past 12:00 o'clock. The Foz however, edged out the Chinook with a more "realistic" presentation.