Can I use 24 gauge speaker cable?

I’ve been trying to google this but I only get vague answers.
I want to know if I can use 24 gauge cable as speaker cable. And if not: why not?
Usual answers are “no, you should use xx gauge”, but I’m looking for why is that? Will the speakers of the amp go off in flames if the resistance is too high? I don’t even get that because the resistance isn’t even that much of a difference between speaker cable sizes, compared to the speakers resistance.

I’m talking about ca 16ft / 5m distance between amp and speaker. By the way should that measure 16 ft or double (32ft because one cable is plus and the other minus)?

Showing 4 responses by nonoise

Here's a very old table that's been used to gauge speaker wire applications and it's not just for silver speaker wire, which this site happens to sell:

You'll see this table used by a lot of old audio sites and it's probably still relevant unless something's been reinvented.

All the best,
People buy a tuner like that for the craftsmanship, the cache, and appreciation in it's art. Not to mention it's great at pulling stations at great distances. 

Why not ask why anyone would buy an old, vintage watch at a 6 figure price when a Timex quartz can do the same thing. Or, pay 7 figures for a rare Ferrari when you can just get a Honda.

The common thread between all reveals that someone born of late with no appreciation for the past, and what it can teach us. That being not all things are appliances, nor should they be looked at it that way.

All the best,
This is not a binary proposition: that one either uses telephone wire or spend tens of thousands of dollars to achieve great sound. To look at it that way will ensure that you’ll never find out.

Yes, there are those out there who believe money will solve all their problems, with audio being the least of them. There’s a huge middle ground, a grey area, where you’ll find happiness as long as you ignore the trolling naysayers who’s mission in life is to conflate extreme cost on one hand, and garden variety hookup wire on the other, as the only two viable options you have.

Entertain them at your peril.

All the best,
Apparently; some people feel a need to spew, constantly. Perhaps they have no relevance, aside from the Internet/keyboard and somehow believe that here, their vacuity is more apropos.
The old, "I’m rubber and you’re glue" comeback, when you are the one who does it and resents it when it’s pointed out. How long did you think you’re were immune to being pointed out?

All the best,