Can I put receiver and CD player on top of my sub?

Is it ok to put my receiver, cd player, and dvd player on top of my subwoofer? It is a big sub (15" getting 200 watts), the width and depth of the cabinet are long enough to provide a solid base for the electronics. I'm just worried whether vibrations from the sub will damage my electronics. Assuming CDs and DVDs don't skip, is this safe? I would really like to do this because it would be space efficient for my bedrooom.

Showing 2 responses by onhwy61

It won't damage any of your equipment, but it could effect the sound quality. Use Virbrapods, sorbothane or some other type of isolation device and place the equipment on an MDF, glass or other type of platform. It's nowhere near as big a problem as the above answer would suggest.
If it's such a bad idea because of vibration, then why do 99% of the loudspeakers in the market have crossover circuits inside the speaker cabinet? Placing an amp on top of a sub is really no different in concept than a self powered loudspeaker. A CD player is more problematic, but they all contain extensive error correction circuitry anyway. Also, depending on the construction of the subwoofer, the top panel may not have significant levels of vibration.

Is it a great idea, no, but is it workable, yes. And it won't damage the equipment.