Can flexible power cables sound good?

Just borrowed some hefty power cables from my locale dealer. The shop is closed because of Covid-19 so he borrowed me some very nice cables and a PS Audio Power Plant P20 to play with.
The PS PC P12 is simple not bendable and the same goes for many of the other cables.
That's a real problem for me. I don't have the space to move my rack out and rearrange all my equipment and electrical sockets to make room for such hefty cables.  

So are there really good power cables that are also flexible?

Showing 1 response by mahlman

Sure there is. 12g zip cord from Monoprice works very well and if you hide it and tell people you have a $10,000 speaker cable they will believe it. Cheap and the fidelity is great. The only thing it lacks is bragging rights.