Can a system sound too Holographic?

Hi friends :)

So I got a question for those interested. For me, having a 2 channel system with a Holographic soundstage is very desirable.

I bring this up because I had lent some Centerstage 2 footers ( isolation devices) to a friend to try out. To make a long story short, he likes what they are doing under his Lumin T3, however he mentioned that it might be "Too Holographic". I don't know about you guys and gals, but that wouldn't really be a problem for me. Your thoughts or experiences please. Anyone experience a soundstage that was too Holographic?


Showing 1 response by boostedis

There is Zero chance what your friend describes is the result of a ‘Footer’ change! There just isn’t that much of an affect that comes from isolation unless it was SO bad before that his system surely wasn’t ‘holographic’ to begin with!! Tweaks are tweaks and they do not results in a sea-change unless a severe issue already exists.