Can a power cord increase the resolution of an Class D (SMPS) amp by more than 5% ?

5% in relation to a stock power cord.

I can’t really trust dealer comments. I am more interested in reports from audiophiles. 
Whats your story? Did you manage to increase speed and resolution of your amp ? (without losses in the bass area)

Showing 8 responses by mapman

Above I said:

The electrons that move back and forth at certain frequencies (as determined by current voltage and resistance) in an AC current as a result of the EM wave does.  

In that post I meant to say

The electrons that move back and forth at certain frequencies (as determined by current voltage and resistance) in an AC circuit as a result of the EM wave does

AC circuit, not current.

As I understand it, the EM wave itself does not produce sound directly.   The electrons that move back and forth at certain frequencies (as determined by current voltage and resistance) in an AC current as a result of the EM wave does.      
Easy on the emoticons yapdogkait, we all know what a poodle looks like.    No need for a pop quiz on that either.    Why don't you give yourself a pop quiz and maybe find why you enjoy wasting  everyones time so much?   We'd all like to know that. 
Pop quiz
Of all the various audio cables and cords which ones are not AC?

Answer: nobody cares.
I told you the master of all things futile Geooks would be glad to help! Maybe he can help folks if their specific power cord is oriented correctly or not. Or maybe reverse it for you to find out. For a small fee maybe. Only fair....
Last time I checked there was only one way to connect most all power cords. So that kind of makes directionality a moot point. You will never know if sounds better the other way or not. I would not loose much sleep over this personally but fret away if one must.  GK will be glad to help I'm sure.
What's bad about it?  These are 500w/ch fairly high  current amps.   Every other much less powerful Class A/B amp I've had prior flipped the breakers much more easily.   If not for the efficiency I would have a real challange most likely. 
I have the Bel Canto ref1000m Class D amps. These will flip my circuit breaker if I turn them both on at the same time. Otherwise I never have a problem. The power supply seems to draw a lot of current when turned on, then not so much. I would expect less difference with power cords then with many amplifiers due to the relative efficiency. So I have not bothered to upgrade though its on my list of things to try someday. I use upgraded power cords with my pre-amp and DAC (Pangea) and hear clear differences there.