Can a inexpensive RJ45 to Fiber optic converters sound better then coaxial ?

I  have seen $$ conversion from RJ -45  coaxial to fiber optic  using Sonore with excellent results but at $2500+ linear power supplies . On Amazon for under $250: people online say buy 2-converters , and the $70  Ifi audio 5 v wall warts are decent much better then stock wall warts ,  will that better the Coaxial setup going to a Uptone audio Ether regen ?  It’s a legit ?  if done effectively noise doesnot travel through a light conductor ,sonore use top Femto clocks regulators ,and a separate power supply is needed i get that but now we are talking $3500

i just want to know what’s possible at minimal cost .i currently use a Ether regen with AQ Diamond Ethernet cables , and the very good Final Touch Audio Callisto USB cable , your help is greatly appreciated, Thank you.


Showing 2 responses by sns

I had pretty nice ethernet setup prior to first trying two FMC, both with lps. Original setup was server out via 2nd ethernet port to SOTM SMS200Neo, usb out to Uptone usb regen (powered by lps) to dac. This with all AQ Vodka ethernet and AQ Diamond usb.


Next setup which bettered above was server ethernet out to the two FMC with lps to SOTM to Uptone usb regen to dac.


Best setup has been and continues to be, server ethernet out to single FMC to Sonore OpticalRendu (powered by Uptone JS-2 lps) to dac. Getting rid of one FMC, lps to power it, one ethernet cable and Uptone usb Regen not only simpler setup but also far lower noise floor and more relaxed presentation.


The two generic FMC should excel, only listening to the FMC in your setup can ultimately determine your preference. Minimal cost of this conversion makes it a no brainer IMO. OpticalRendu would be optimized optical setup, this would be fairer competitor to the EtherRegen.

The OpticalRendu does the job of second FMC, streamer and usb renderer. Does FMC and usb rendering extremely well, do in part to dual Femto clocks, one for fiber, other for usb.


Yes, the Sonore route relatively costly. I suggest you try the dual FMC with the IFI power supply, cheap and will give you idea of what optical can do.