Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good?

I spend a lot of time searching for well produced recordings as they (of course) sound so good on my system (Hegel 160 + Linn Majik 140 speakers).  I can't tolerate poor sounding recordings - regardless of the quality of the performance itself.   I was at a high end audio store yesterday and the sales person took the position that a really high-end system can make even mediocre recordings sound good.  Agree?


I have to agree with mahgister. I want my system to illuminate the music it plays.. I want it to go for the gestalt.

To me, a great system is one that makes most recordings sound good and good recordings sound great. Too many audiophile systems sound good only when playing audiophile records. If you have a system like that, there's something wrong.

A lot of complexity in this question. In my mind there are 2 fundamental different ways to listening to music on a reproduction system: 1) you can listening to the musical idears ("Hey listen to that baseline. Listen how she waits a quarter note before she ends on the G") an 2) you a listening to The Illusion of the performance ("Now listening carefully how the the instrument behind the guitar moved back a little and suddenly separate! You hear it's a clarinet?")

Both ways of listening will improve when you upgrade, but only the latter is critical.

A rising tide lifts all boats.  A better system makes it sound better, but doesn't give the illusion of a well mastered recording.  And if played right after a well mastered one, the difference can be striking until your ear adjusts. 

Agree that the system should be geared to get the best out of music, and not to serve as a demo for audiophile recordings. 

You have a very nice system. You probably listen to many recordings and are totally satisfied. If you listen to garbage it is garbage and not your system, plain and simple. Enjoy your system and the music..