Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good?

I spend a lot of time searching for well produced recordings as they (of course) sound so good on my system (Hegel 160 + Linn Majik 140 speakers).  I can't tolerate poor sounding recordings - regardless of the quality of the performance itself.   I was at a high end audio store yesterday and the sales person took the position that a really high-end system can make even mediocre recordings sound good.  Agree?


Showing 4 responses by edcyn

I go for systems that do their best to tell the truth but don't have a distorted hissy fit when a recordinging or pressing ain't perfect. True, nothing can help some of the grindingly bad 1960's 45rpm singles I own. But if the system has the wherewithal to find what is best within the groove/digital stream, I'll forgive the recording's transgressions.

I have to agree with mahgister. I want my system to illuminate the music it plays.. I want it to go for the gestalt.

I'm perfectly willing to turn the volume down if it'll make the music I want to hear more listenable.  By the same token, if I don't particularly care for the music but I'm compelled to listen because it's been recorded so insanely well, I'll turn it up and pretend I just don't hear my wife's "Turn that down!" shrieks.

As waytoomuchstuff sez... Find a balance. Seek friendly improvements. After all, didn't you fork over all that cash to better enjoy the music?