Can a Bluesound Node 2i power supply really be upgraded?

I improving its components, not with a YOUR preferred streamer brand...;-)
Sure, you can upgrade the C-7 power cord. We all get that.

But, what about the power supply.
I only see 3 options:

1. Fidelity in UK
2. Some dude in Poland selling on eBay
3. Rumors of Teddy Pardo making one for the Node 2i.

It has to be DIY for the first two and not really what I'm looking to do with my streamer - I mean, if i'm going to to a DIY LPS upgrade, I'd like it to be easier to buy.

Anybody know anything or actually made it work?

Showing 4 responses by rareace

Yes I have the Polish one and it's a great upgrade. I'm only using it as a streamer and pair it with a good LPS. Easy to install and best bang for the buck upgrade in my system. No question.
@adg101 I've done the comparison with a $10k streamer (I won't say the brand but PM me if you'd like to know). Still preferred the PSU upgraded BS and used to $$ for home improvement projects.
@wjob Interesting...I have the Polish one and it is more than small difference for me in my system. Got better when I upgraded my LPS as well.