Can a Bluesound Node 2i power supply really be upgraded?

I improving its components, not with a YOUR preferred streamer brand...;-)
Sure, you can upgrade the C-7 power cord. We all get that.

But, what about the power supply.
I only see 3 options:

1. Fidelity in UK
2. Some dude in Poland selling on eBay
3. Rumors of Teddy Pardo making one for the Node 2i.

It has to be DIY for the first two and not really what I'm looking to do with my streamer - I mean, if i'm going to to a DIY LPS upgrade, I'd like it to be easier to buy.

Anybody know anything or actually made it work?

Showing 1 response by jag

i have had a miserable time with the Ifi Zen Stream getting it to work in my system for what ever reason.  i am not blaming anyone, it just will not function and the retailer will not refund me.  so since i need just a streamer the Bluesound sounds like a better bet, at least i can spend more time listening to music and less time fidgeting around with this thing.  and the Bluesound dealer is just down the street and not in another country.