Cambridge CXC: Help finding a small, programmable remote?

After much research and searching, I was pleased to purchase and receive the Cambridge CXC transport. As some mentioned, the CXC remote is ungainly, crammed with buttons for other products I don't intend to purchase.

Does anyone have a lead on a small, programmable remote — something the size of a Roku remote? This makes much more sense. Having input buttons for specific tracks would be nice, too. (Cannot *believe* they left those off. FFS.)

Hopefully any answers might also help folks with other products who, like me, hate their remote.

Showing 12 responses by hilde45

Thanks, Stesu. I had luck with my System Link 5 AV by RCA. I saw it for $5 or so on ebay, also. I think many will work with the Cambridge.

That said, what a ridiculous workaround for a well-regarded company's product.
Thanks, @sfar that's helpful and might be the best solution. Open to more suggestions!
Right. The Roku was an example of the form factor I'm interested in. That's why I said "something the size of" a Roku remote.
Thanks. The fact that the CXC remote has no way to go directly to a track is such a boneheaded mistake by the designers, it defies comprehension. Here’s their response:

 “However, if you know of any universal remotes where you could program in IR codes, here's a link to the CXC's IR codes: ”
@mesch Great to hear! My Atoll integrated has the same issue with their remote...

It's funny how technology's ideology is always toward conglomeration. As if we all wanted a remote as all-encompassing as our corporations and that we would be participating in vertical integration (preamp, amp, cd player, etc.). Not really how we roll.