Cambridge AZURE 840C Balanced vs. Single Ended

I have owned the Cambridge for about a year now and am using the SE outputs with a pair of Kimber KS1021's. I have never tried the Balanced outputs as I do not have balanced cables or a dealer in town to try some out (I wish to try before I buy). My question is to those who own this player and had the opportunity to try both outputs and which came out on top. My integrated amp is a Krell KAV 400xi that will accept a balanced input. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by rpg

Topperstopper, thanks, I hope to receive more feedback. What cables are you using? Though I'm connected with the Kimber KS, a good IC in my opinion, I would not know where to start with a balanced IC. I read a review when the Cambridge first came out and the reviewer found the SE was as good as the Balanced and continued his review and measurements with SE. So, again, what balanced cables might you or anyone reading this might recommend? Thanks!