Cambridge Audio Azur 851N

Fellow audiophiles,

Does anyone have any experience with Azur851N? How good it sounds? I have had Olive 4HD and Sonos in my HT setup and looking for a better sound. I do fair amount of streaming off Spotify and Amazon and got lot of music stored on my FAT32 USB drive. Azur851N looks very promising (atleast on paper). I will be pairing this unit with a Classe SSP800 and B&W 803's. Any comments or feedback is greatly appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by hickamore

Agree with masterumc. Feed the 851N with USB (have not tried AES/EBU or coax)  and out with good balanced XLR. This is true whether using 851N only as a DAC out to a line preamp (as I do) or straight to power amp using digital preamp mode (as I did before deciding which line tube preamp to buy).