Cambridge 640P Power Supply Upgrade

So I bought a Pangea P100 for my DACMagic (made it better)and figured, hey, one "wall wart" down, lets see if my 640P can use some improvement. So I ordered another Pangea (the name sounds like a holistic skin treatment, which I think there actually is). After a couple of days of use the Pangea PS seems to kick the 640P up to another level altogether...I now can highly recommend this cheap tweek. Interestingly (to me anyway), the stock 640P "wart" PS ran kinda warm and the P100 doesn't. I think that means something, doesn't it?

Showing 1 response by woodrow

I considered the Pangea P100 power supply for my Cambridge 640P and am holding off. Looking at the wall wart that comes with the 640P, it is a 120vac to 12vac supply. Then, looking at the Pangea information, there are two outputs. A 12vdc out and a 12vac out. I assume you would use the 12vac out to power the 640P. I wonder if the 12vac output is merely a direct tap off of the secondary of the transformer in the Pangea. If that's the case, the only advantage is the 12vac is coming from a larger transformer vs the wall wart. All of the regulation and filtering in the Pangea would be for the 12vdc output which would be totally unused with the Cambridge phono stage. Bottom line, you would not be using most of what the Pangea has to offer. Now, if one is using the 12vdc out of the Pangea to power a different device like a DAC, that would be a different situation. Without a schematic of the Pangea unit I don't know for a fact that the above is true but that would be my guess. So I personally have put the Pangea for my 640P on hold. For 99 bucks, it's probably a great value when powering a 12vdc device like the Cambridge and MF DACs.