Cambridge 640P Power Supply Upgrade

So I bought a Pangea P100 for my DACMagic (made it better)and figured, hey, one "wall wart" down, lets see if my 640P can use some improvement. So I ordered another Pangea (the name sounds like a holistic skin treatment, which I think there actually is). After a couple of days of use the Pangea PS seems to kick the 640P up to another level altogether...I now can highly recommend this cheap tweek. Interestingly (to me anyway), the stock 640P "wart" PS ran kinda warm and the P100 doesn't. I think that means something, doesn't it?

Showing 1 response by jedinite24

Hey Wolf

I don't recall what your turntable and cart that you are using along with you 640P and the Pangea P100. Would you mind sharing?

The reason I ask is that I put the DacMagic's 1500 mA Power Supplly on my 640P and didn't hear a drastic improvement if any at all. With the larger PS on the 640P the records I was playing the sound was still warm and inviting but I didn't hear a drastic change. I'm thinking I may have to do more comparisons with the different power supplies or my TT isn't high-end enough to hear the improvements from the larger PS being on the 640P. The TT I'm using with the 640P is a Technics SL-10.

Did you ever use an aftermarket power cord on either Pangea P100 Power supply? Also good one about the holistic skin treatment. When I searched Pangea on other shopping sites I often find that as a result too.