Cambridge 640P Power Supply Upgrade

So I bought a Pangea P100 for my DACMagic (made it better)and figured, hey, one "wall wart" down, lets see if my 640P can use some improvement. So I ordered another Pangea (the name sounds like a holistic skin treatment, which I think there actually is). After a couple of days of use the Pangea PS seems to kick the 640P up to another level altogether...I now can highly recommend this cheap tweek. Interestingly (to me anyway), the stock 640P "wart" PS ran kinda warm and the P100 doesn't. I think that means something, doesn't it?

Showing 2 responses by gregm

Given an asking price of $70 for aftermarket warts, Wonka's diy power supply looks like a no-brainer. If I understood correctly, all that project entails is to purchase the tranies and then plug the secondary to the equipment...
Greg - the final upgrade was to replace all internal wiring
I notice you use Kimber, a tried & trusted choice if there ever was one!
BTW, why not hard-wire the power supply cable at the PS end?