Calling out spatial audio m3 sapphire owners!

Hi I am living in Europe and are very interested in the M3’s

as I can’t return them and also have to pay 33% in import taxes I have to be pretty sure that this speaker is for me. 
First I have the Tekton Double Impacts and what I like about them is the big soundstage. Nearly all others speakers sounds small compared to them.  Big soundstage is very important for me. Also they are very sensitive around 96db in 4 ohm. I need a sensitive speakers because I have a 24w SET amp. 
I am searching for a speaker that doesn’t have the insane amount of bass my DIs have. Also there are some strange coloration somewhere in the midband. I can’t but my finger on it but it has staid there with different components.
I have a well treated room and the speakers are 1,5m out in the room. 
So are you happy wit the m3 and what inn your opinion are there strength and weaknesses?

Showing 1 response by nonoise

Thanking people who agree with you kind of shows where you're headed. Brushing off those who advise you to listen before you buy also says where you're headed. If you wanted affirmation to go and buy something you've never heard, you may end up with the same results you have with your Tektons. Did you buy those the same way you're shopping the Spatials?

All the best,