Calling all owneres of the Orchid DAC

Hi I have created a FB group for owners of the Orchid DAC from Mhdt.
Why a fb group, you might ask? Simple because you can:- Upload pictures, and videos.- Write stores. It could be a full description on how to replace a capacitors- add documents- pin posts
Hope you will join
Quick question for you and others about Orchid.
I have inputs for my Orchid -- CD transport and streamer.
When I start up my system, the Orchid never plays the streamer right away. I have to play a cd for a moment first, then go back to the input for the streamer.
Anyone have issues with either the coax or toslink input playing immediately on their Orchid -- or is there something I'm missing?
Did you try switching the inputs? Put the CD player to the input the streamer uses and streamer to the CD input see what happens.