California Audio Show ths wknd bttr than expected

If you live in the SF Bay Area, I encourage to attend the show today or tomorrow (7/31-8/1) in Emeryville. It's a small show, as first-year shows tend to be, but it exceeded my expectations with several excellent rooms. Only if people attend in decent numbers this year is there a chance for this to be a regular event, which would be a great thing. Lots of local companies not showing this year but if the show does well, maybe they will next.

Congratulations to Constantine Soo.
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Showing 3 responses by strateahed

Ditto the OP. Check out this show if you have an opportunity. The sound in some of the rooms was very engaging, especially listening to some of the vinyl I brought along. Got a chance to meet and talk to a few folks that I've purchased from or corresponded with in the past. For the most part, a really good group of people.

Of the rooms/floors I visited, I really liked the Loggie Audio room featuring the Acapellas, and for high value to performance - Grant Fidelity. Ian Grant is a nice guy too.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention Evolution Acoustics with Dartzeel and Playback Designs. To me this was one of the best sounding rooms playing digital front end ... smooth, natural, and engaging. This was my first audio show and one of biggest surprises was the "digital" sound in many rooms when employing anything but vinyl. The sound was not as natural as I expected. I wonder if this is typical of audio shows.
Thanks for the feedback Cedar. We agree on the room with the Acapella's. Phenomenal sound stage, with front to back layering like I've never heard ... except maybe at a real concert! Then again, one might expect that from a system that costs nearly $200K. As mentioned earlier it was in one of the larger rooms. So that was probably a factor as well.

As far as the show, honestly I was reluctant to go because of a fear I might contract a good case of "upgrade-itis". Instead it was a chance to see/hear some nice equipment and to meet with like-minded folks; and I still feel pretty good about my own system.