Cables to settle brightness

Any suggestions on a cable brand for interconnects and power cables to settle down some brightness?

I have Wireworld at the moment which I might send back.

As I move up the food chain in my system it is getting higher resolving but the treble has gotten a bit forward for me.

I added a PS Audio PowerPlant which is greatly improved the SQ, but now the treble is a little too much. Now it might settle down with burn in, but I’m not sure.

Any suggestions?




Showing 7 responses by w123ale

Mc system: 601s and a c2300 and SF Olympica. My speakers cable is Wireworld equinox. So not an overly bright system by any means.

I should note that vinyl doesn’t have this issue, just digital sources, so cables to the digital source might be the place to start. 

Turning the treble down certainly helps, but, as a purest, I would prefer to not use the EQ

Interesting idea about the DAC. I’m currently using a Mc DA1 module in a MCD85. Perhaps as I’m improving my power/amps/pre I’m revealing a deficiency in my DAC. I’m also getting sibilance now with female vocals.

PowerPlant is new—about a week—and probably has only 30 hrs on it so far actively playing. I’ll try plugging the amps into the wall.

Update: new DAC in the system. PS Audio Directstream.

A/B comparison with my Mc DAC.

I’ve only listened to a couple of songs.

Glare gone, brightness gone with PS Audio. Not a subtle difference.

Good advice from this group on trying a new DAC!

I’ll report in with more impressions soon.

Well, switch DACs again as ultimately I found the PS Audio too laid back for my system. Now have a Weiss 501. Fantastic in all ways. Sorted the brightness but I didn’t loose sound stage and dynamics.

trying with Sunyata Alpha/Delta now—really a fantastic combo.