Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?

Showing 1 response by jimyork

This topic of whether cables make a difference or not has been going on for some time. I categorize this difference of opinions as "alternate universes". The same type of discussions go on between Democrats and Republicans. I am a long-time Democrat. I have stopped trying to explain my views to Republicans. Their values and understanding of the situation are so diametrically opposed to mine that it is impossible to bridge the gaps. I don't like to discuss the topic for risk of destroying friendships (even though there is so much at stake). Fortunately, this discussion on the value of good audio cables does not hold the future in balance. In the case of audio cables, I started hearing the differences they could make in the late 90's. I have spent a lot of money on cables and I try to make balanced decisions on the purchase of cables between the investment of equipment and cables. However, the bottom line should be achieving the most enjoyment out this hobby as my finances can afford. So I think those who believe in cables (those in a "after market cable valued universe") should spend their money on what they believe will achieve the most enjoyment and those who don't (those not in a "after market cable valued universe") should respect those positions and invest in and enjoy the aspects of audio that give them the most enjoyment. And for those who haven't decided which universe they are in concerning audio cables, they should be given guidance that will allow them to make their own decision.

So every time I see this topic raised, I just move on to the next topic. I am not going to get worked up over the question. And, hopefully, those who have spent the time to read this philosophical perspective may take heed and move on towards the real objective of this hobby - enjoyment.

Thanks for reading and enjoy!