Cables, Interconnects and More Cables???

I am trying to upgrade my system cables on a limited budget and I'm curious where the best overall values are into todays market. I have an Ah! Tjoeb CD Player into a Rotel RA-971 preamp into a Rotel RB-981 power amp driving B&W 603's and a B&W ASW 2000 sub. I have been using older Audioquest cables and its time to upgrade. Whats the word?
I don't off hand, sorry, Dcaseyb, but I'm glad to hear that someone has finally followed my recomendations. Cheers...Carl
Casey, you hurt Rocks feelings by not buying Radio Shack cable, didn't you accept the RS challenge, hehehe.....
I must say I'm quite sold on Sergui's ( cables and interlinks. They are a great value for the price. The crosswraped silver links are outstanding! can return them if you don't like them, though I've never had to do this. Later!
Newsflash knuckleheads (you know who you are): People who like music celebrate its performance and enjoyment in any form.
Here's a suggestion. Buy some used Audioquest silver cables from Audiogon or AudioShopper. Then ship them to the factory and have them reterminated. HAVE THE FACTORY DO THIS. When you get your cables back, you will have almost brand new cables, since most used cable degradation is in the terminations anyway. Your net cost will be less than half a brand new set. This is especially true now, since Audioquest has revamped their entire line. I bought some balanced Lapis this way. Best cables I have ever heard.