Cables-how can you be sure of authenticity?

I hope I don't step on anybody's toes with this post however I was just wondering if it is possible to copy expensive cables accurately and pass them off as originals?

I had an experience with a good friend who bought a very high ranked interconnect without packaging-it looked very good and whilst it sounded good we were not blown away with it's performance and I must say I've always had a doubt as to if it was the real thing.

Does this type of thing go on or do some sellers just have access to a good supply of highly rated cables without packaging?

Showing 1 response by betterthencrack

You can't be sure about anything these days. Many audio and loudspeaker manufacturers are also advising consumers to watch out for fakes. So your Klipsch loudspeakers and Conrad Johnson audio components can all be fakes as well. The best way to know is to always buy from an authorized dealer.