Cables for Focal 1008be2

I’m looking to upgrade my speaker cables for my new Focal 1008be2’s
Right now I have WireWizard Spellbinder by Nordst, running from my Yaqin 100b (KT88 push pull)
Looking for something different maybe a bit more resolving but not bright.
I have Morrow audio interconnects, I like them and was thinking about their sp4 cables.
Any suggestions? I’d like to stay around $500 for a 15-16 foot run.
Thanks in advance.



Showing 1 response by dryanlocker

I have Acoustic Zen Hollogram IIs feeding my 1037be speakers and love them. Even used they are a few hundred above where you want to be, but I also have their Satori running to my matching center channel. It is quite a bit less expensive and gives little ground to the more expensive AZ cables. They are all copper, btw, as recommended above.