Cable Supenders - Anyone Try Vibrapods?

Wondering if anyone had tried Vibrapods or other compliant material feet (AQ Sorbothane?) as cable suspenders. Any opinions as to why this would or would not work as well as the special, outrageouly priced ceramic suspenders?

Showing 1 response by dekay

I have noticed quite a difference in the sound depending on what my Kimber cable does and does not touch. It does not like the synthetic carpet at all (neither do we:-) which clouds the highs (I don't know if this is caused by static or by some other reaction between the plastics involved). It does not like touching the walls (drywall) and assume that this interference is caused by vibration. I cannot hear a difference when it touches cotten rugs (over the carpet) or wood (pine), but prefer to have all of the wires and cables hanging in the air from component to component as this is a simple way to avoid any problems. I use cotton ribbon ties to hang cable when needed if there is an excess. I am working on a new setup (and location) that will be optimal in this reagrd. I would guess that other cables may not be as touchy. Another nice touch is separating the left and right signal and speaker cables from one another.