Cable Snake Oil Antidote

Some might find this Cable Snake Oil Antidote interesting with respect to LRC, the signal and the system.

Cables affect the sound and the effect is system dependent.

Another's opinion on a cable in a vastly different system may not be valid.

Showing 4 responses by clearthink

geoffkait"Thanks for the excellent (though a teeny bit snarky) manifesto we see from several corners expressing the notion that Science today, failing to be open minded itself, is hell bent on eclipsing Religion"

"Science" as it is practiced lately hear by those who claim everything sounds the same is the same as religion there is no difference these selfproclaimed "scientists" even come in hear with they're fundamentalist beliefs and proselytize in the hope of "saving" the "gullible" from the "snakeoil" foisted on them by others these methods are well established and have been highly refined by those who use it to promote popularize and pontificate a particular religious faith! They have wisely chosen methods techniques and practices that have been refined through the centuries by those seeking to make their dogma that subscribed to by all!

Peter’s article seems correct to me, though it is a bit excessively emphatic in some of its points."

And yet their is no proofs that is the problem with the naysayers and self-proclaimed objectivists the burden of "proofs" always fall to a party other than themselves and that is what is so strange about they're claims!
phomchick"If you are making unusual or extraordinary claims, the burden of proof rests with you."

Actually there is no burden of proof on me at all however if you want to discuss this I can only point out that many the many contributors to this forum who have consistently reported they’re own first-hand observations that obviously conflict with those of the "AudioCritic" so I would state simply that his are the "extraordinary claims" and not anyone elses!

" prove that you and others can reliably tell the difference with an A/B/X test."

Again I do not not need to proof anything to you at all this is a hobby group but since you bring up abx it is not a definitive test for audio as has been revealed hear by others on many occassions. AudioCritic states that he is an objectivist so he must have proofs of what he claims or perhaps he is just trying to sell magazines!

Science re enforces religion on a daily basis..They all (probably most) inevitably wind up talking about the "Creator"...I think the clueless ones who just accept or believe what they are told have less "religion" than those who constantly push themselves to discover. 

I think it is wonderful that you hold such deeply held matter of belief and faith and that you feel an urgent need to convert those hear who do not share your faith with you that is exactly my point! As long as the Moderators allow I encourage you to continue your diligent efforts to convert the "gullible" here and remember that you do need to proof anything because it is a matter of belief and faith you live in a free country and no one can tell you who or how to worship that is your right!