Cable septic

Okay, I’ve spent a fair amount on my dream system. Voxativ 9.87 system, very efficient speakers, Vocation 211 integrated, ps audio Directstream DAC and power station, etc. I’m using pretty basic cables, mostly what came with my equipment.  I still remember a magazine article where they AB tested high end cables neatly separated vs a mess of cheap crap.   The result, nobody heard a difference. So, flash forward, what cables will make a difference?  Brand and which component in order of benefit. Thank you!

Showing 2 responses by rbstehno

It is so funny to hear people say that cables don’t matter much but you see them using $50 or higher priced cables and not using the .10 cheap cables that are found in the cheaper equipment boxes. If anybody makes a statement that they can’t hear a difference in cables, then they shouldn’t be using anything more than the cheapest cable found. Anything of higher quality, they are just blowing smoke, and then it boils down to a few reasons why they bad mouth more expensive cables: their system doesn’t allow them to get the full benefit of a better cable, hearing issues, or they can’t afford or just don’t want to pay more for a cable.
I can/have heard differences in cables and in most cases it boils down to do I want the spend hundreds/thousands more for a cable that gives me 5-10% more? 

Go to other forums and there are fanatics against anybody that can hear a difference in cables. They claim its a waste of money, only fools would buy them, on and on, but when you look at their systems, they aren't using the real cheap cables that you get in a $25 dvd box. They are using $20 and a little higher cables. Why is that? If they are dead set that there are no differences in cables, then they should use the cables that most of us throw away.
IMO, if the audiophile has any decent system or the ears to hear a difference, it boils down to: do you want to pay more and maybe a lot more $$$ to get a different sound. I'll admit, not every jump in cable price is a better cable, it will sound different, maybe better or maybe worse, but there is a different sound to cables and if it does sound better, then you have to make a decision if the price increase of the cable is worth it.
Same goes for other audio components, cars, appliances, pretty much everything.
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