Cable management....crossing at right angles or

Good morning,

I have been out of the hobby for a while, and now just getting things back into my system.

No matter how I try, I can't keep my cables isolated from each other, especially speaker and power. Is there anything besides the old saying of trying to cross at right angles, something..copper tape/Faraday sheets that you can put on the cables when they cross to reduce-eliminate interference or distortion/ EMI RFI?





Showing 3 responses by tony1954

I wish I had a dollar for every time I have had to reconfigure my rack and have vowed that this time the result will be neat and organized, only to end up in the same place.

A rats nest of wires with no discernible pattern. 


I do know it is low on the totem pole of audio tweaks, but my anal personality can't just forget about it. Every time I sit down to listen, I know it is lurking in the background. I can almost hear it snickering at me during the quieter moments.