Cable isolators ???

Can anybody (preferable someone not trying to sell them) give me any feedback on how effective cable isolators are?

Are they most effective on speaker cables, interconnects, etc.??

Do they work better on floors, carpeting?

Is this just a ridiculous idea??

Showing 1 response by rcprince

I heard a convincing demonstration at both my home and at one of our audio society meetings of the benefits of getting interconnects off of vibrating surfaces (in these cases, the floor). I think Elizabeth's tips are sound, and her insulating materials are effective enough (rubber pipe insulation could also be used for vibration isolation). The effect was greater on interconnects than speaker cables, as the vibrations at the IC level get magnified by the amplifier.

I do have some of the old Right-way ceramic isolation devices which I use on my speaker cables, and their effect is very small even on a very revealing system, not really worth their price. A friend makes some with rubber isolation which work slightly better, but I'd stick with Elizabeth's suggestions on the speaker cables.