Cable isolators ???

Can anybody (preferable someone not trying to sell them) give me any feedback on how effective cable isolators are?

Are they most effective on speaker cables, interconnects, etc.??

Do they work better on floors, carpeting?

Is this just a ridiculous idea??

Showing 1 response by alanbrain

I live in Peru and I thought that was way off to buy the real ceramic ones "cable isolators" and bring them here. They are way heavy. So I started to look for a local replacement. I crashed into a local electronic industrial supply store, the ones that sell equipment to the companies that supply power.
And I found almost the same ones, ceramic, (the size was like the big of the real cable isolators) 98% same look, very nice finish in dark brown, and they are designed to work isolating a lot more than you need. The Brand is Gamma. I bought each at $3.5(at that price I took 12
I tested them in my house and then with my local audio seller isolating the ICs and the speaker cable and the results were not so dramatic but real. The high extension was cleaner and the bass was more tight, also the background noise was reduced.
So, I think, if I could found this in Peru, there is no doubt you will find them in USA and maybe cheaper. Any doubts contact me at my email.
Good Luck