Cable for my amp.


how do i find out whether my amp takes 15A or 20A power cables??

I have a Mark Levinson 27
I borrowed the Hydra 4 which as a Cooperhead cable with it, and I used a Python Alpha cable (not the Helix version) for my 27.

only a slight difference to my ears compared to my cheapo conditoner. its Monitor Acoustics btw...

its more forward sounding and the upper frequency has the added sparkle. though bass appears more "boomy" which I dont like. maybe i should move my spk further away from the wall. its about 65cm at the mo.

re amp.
so u guys think its not worth upgrading the 27 to 331??? 200W 4 ohms is plenty power for my Cremona auditors. dont need 332 or above.

my plan is to get a 390S and run it directly into the 27 (or 331).

reason being my 26 doesnt have the balanced input!! hence I have a Cardas XLR to RCA plug and use a RCA-lemo cable from CD (fake balanced) into the 26 lemo. then balanced XLR from 26 to 27.

cables are Madrigal HPC. vintage huh?! :)

re the EP15A. I need a 240V version. hence the ones on Audiogon doesnt suit me unfortunately.....

pls gimme input on the comparo on 27 vs 331. need to decide soon!
I would get a 331 over the 27. Did you read my previous post on 27/27.5/331?

Also did you move the Hydra off the floor. Do not sit it on carpet. Move it up and on a hard surface. The Copperhead is more laid back than the upper end Shunyata's but a nice cord for the price.
thx Sam,

how did u know I placed the Hydra on carpet!! hah! anyway, too late now, i returned it already. decided to look for agood deal on EP15A.

still thinking about the 331. the problem is I cant test it out with my own speakers.....
Because I am

I would not worry about not listening to the 331. It will sound better than the 27 IMO.
I agree that a 331 (might) sound better than a 27 (certainly not worse). However I'm of the opinion (along with many others, I might add, just search the threads) that a 27.5 will sound better than either one of them, in a number of important areas: soundstage, midrange openness, bass articulation, headroom, high end smoothness, and not dark sounding like the new stuff.

In fact, the only recent amps by Mark Levinson that equal or exceed the performance of their "Golden Age" amplifiers (the 20.5, 20.6, 23.5, 27.5) are the 33 (no longer in production) and the 33H -- primarily because of their amazing "power regenerator" type power supplies (not in the 300 or 400 series) and even better (than Teflon) printed circuit boards and newer component devices.

If you're searching to buy brand new SS amps, I'd look elsewhere if I were you. Sadly, because I've loved Levinson equipment for a long time. But today, there are much better choices in that price range. Pass, Lamm, Rowland, Boulder, darTZeel, Goldmund, FM Acoustics, etc., if you really want to spend that kind of money and buy new stuff.