Cable design is a lot like creating a pizza

If you look at the construction of an RCA cable it can be very simple or can be very complicated. Eg. Audio quest higher end interconnect cables are extremely creative, the diagram on their website is visually stunning.

Ultimately, Cable design in many cables involves coloring the tonal signature. Cooking a pizza is all about making all the ingredients come together so it tastes amazing. Some do it a lot better than others and Pizza is a lot cheaper.

For cables, There are conductors, drain wires, shielding, Airfilled tubes, different gauges, etc…. Then there’s the copper strands which can be very detailed and numerous and twisted. So much going on.

With pizza you have cheese and sauce and spices and the dough and it’s all mixed together with all kinds of variation. Ultimately the sauce makes or breaks the success of a pizza slice.

With audio cables, hi end Cable designers are endlessly trying different ways to do all this. In the end they find something that sounds kind of nice. They may not know exactly why it does sound the way it does.

So that’s my take on Pizza design and cable design.


Showing 9 responses by thyname

But I have now concluded that perhaps you do not consume alcohol.

LOL!! That’s exactly what I am doing now my friend. It’s Saturday evening. Am I allowed to? Cheers anyways

Oh, and this exactly what you said:

So yeah they are exactly like a pizza, and everyone claims that their pizzas are the best.

Regardless of what THEY claim, do you have a preference in which pizza you like? Or do they taste the same as long as they measure the same? 🤦‍♂️😂



Wow! Jason Bourne! I knew you never miss any cables thread, but three consecutive posts in 11 minutes??? You must be in distress. What is disturbing your soul?

If I’m gonna spend a couple thousand dollars on some so-called hiend cables I’m gonna need a better explanation of what I’m getting

Do you HAVE to? It sounds like you are protesting and whining to me.

Why the hell are cables so damn expensive? Because people are willing to pay because they know no better.

Again, nobody is forcing you to buy anything. And it sounds like “you know better” than those stupid people who pay a lot of money for those cables. Again, whining, bitching and moaning. Lots of protestations going on here. Relax. Order from Amazon, or make a trip to Home Depot. Your “problem” is solved. No need to be worked up this bad on a Sunday

Here, I did the “work” for you:’%2Caps%2C67&sr=8-5



I have but one word, to express my personal view as regards the Church of Denyin'tology

It never ceases to amaze me the length these people go to just “prove” their denialism. So much time wasted & spent in researching, typing, and reading this stuff armed with a powerful Google machine, just to claim some audio thing, anything audio, does not work and it’s a waste of (other people’s) money. If that same energy and human labor and time was put  instead to practical & productive use (I.e getting gainful employment), they would instead perhaps be able to buy afford, and try the same exact thing(s) they bash nonstop all day every day in all audio forums constantly. Just a thought 

Oh great! Then what are you doing in the forums arguing nonstop against every single thing you have zero interest in? What kind of proof are you seeking? Trying for yourself does not count, right?

These people with a lot of money to spend are smart people and yet they continue to buy these very very expensive cables. Why is that? They must know it’s not the greatest and smartest thing to do.

Why do you worry so much what other people do and buy. It’s their money, they can spend it however they see fit. For them.

I’m all for quality cables but the buyers need to be more careful so as not to escalate a problem that only serves to divert money away from more meaningful endeavors within the audio world.

Ditto. Same as above.

Too much protesting, whining, bitching, moaning. For nothing. I already told you. Lots of affordable audio there, you just have to look. Let me see if there is anything I can do to help? What are you looking to buy, and for which gear / equipment?

escalate a problem that only serves to divert money away from more meaningful endeavors within the audio world.

Almost forgot: which is “more meaningful endeavors in audio “? Is it room treatments? Like that thread you started a few days ago “bookshelf vs diffuser panel”. You did not seem to like when I said bookshelf is better than nothing, but cannot be compared with a proper diffuser and other acoustic treatments. So I am speechless now, as you don’t seem to want to spend a dime even in most generally accepted “meaningful endeavor” like room treatment. So, what is “meaningful endeavor” in audio, really? Please describe it for me, maybe I am missing something 







If I am running a cart which, for instance, needs some capacitance loading… are we going to buy a cable with a known capacitance/foot? Or select something with nothing defined?

I don’t know . Ask your dealer? 

And we had this conversation before, on your lamp cords you so proudly display in your profile picture: what is their capacitance, resistance, impedance? You surely have measured with your Audio Precision scope. And you are 100% sure their “specs” are the best there is, nothing better out there? Never been curious to try alternatives? And no, you don’t have to be a blind mouse to try cables.


And for some reason, you fine lamp-cords folks think we who buy fancy cables do not look at any of that compatibility stuff at all 🤦‍♂️

I would have used a coat hanger, if I did not have a spool of wire.

My bad. I should have stopped engaging coat hanger folks from the beginning. Totally my bad.