Cable comparison charts?

I see 18 interconnect  Audioquest cables, I see 8 different IC Cardas cables.  Are there any charts showing the differences between the cables without going through each spec sheet one by one?  Am I missing something or are they making it hard on purpose?


Showing 1 response by decooney

You might miss out on a good cable looking at specs alone.

Noting your question about Cardas and specs. They release some specs on a few cables, not all. They will tell you not to listen to their cables based on specs, and to work with a dealer on it if you can. Tested many Cardas!

Some of the better local dealers and better retailers still around may let you demo them, on a charge/refund basis. And, with the anticipation you’ll follow through and buy something from them. With cables, many of us like to say to support your local dealer if you can, those who remain. Or, try TheCableCo loaner program for a fee.