Cable combo’s that won’t break the bank?

I ran across this article and was wondering what the equivalent combo’s would be 10 years later?

it’s a great article with great descriptions!

Im looking for a good RCA interconnect for turntable and amp to preamp

I’m looking for a fuller bass and wonder 
      Running Kimber Hero & Transparent Link IC,
      And Kimber Monocle XL speaker
Both IC’s  are superb , but looking the the fuller, warmer bass 

my guess is to try Cardas or furutech 



Showing 1 response by millercarbon

Relax. There hasn’t been a break in a US bank in decades. Buy what you want and when you get into trouble simply redefine deposits as unsecured loans, take all their money, and restructure.*

*As whacky as it sounds this really is official banking policy across the world today.
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"A resolution strategy for a failed or failing G-SIFI should assign losses to shareholders and unsecured creditors,"