Bypassing A Preamp With Volume Pot In Amp

I see preamps as a convenient tool to control the volume of multiple sources. It only adds another link in the chain. It also adds to the cost of your system because you will need other pairs of interconnects and a power cable.

I was thinking about completely bypassing a preamp by adding a volume pot or a resistor based stepped attenuator into the amp, greatly reducing the signal path from the source to the amp.

The only detriment I can think of, is switching the interconnects from each source which is as troublesome as switching out a disk from the CD player.

Please chime in with your opinions and especially your experiences with this "issue".

The volume control I have in mind is the Khozmo stepped attenuator using 2 Vishay TX2575 resistors in a hybrid tubed/ss amp.

Showing 3 responses by atmasphere

If you have the control installed in the amp this works quite well. Switching the interconnects will get old after a while though.
No. That is just how the gain structure worked out. Reducing the value of the control will make it harder for some sources to drive the amp.
Teflon is a pretty good dielectric. There may be more to this than meets the eye as to why you heard a difference/improvement.