Bybee Technologies Crystal Series Plug-in Speaker Bullets.

I was first introduced to the Bybee Speaker Plug-in Bullets about about 12 years ago (the original versions) by one of my local High End Audio dealers.  After hearing the simply astonishing effect they had on speakers at the dealer's, I purchased a set, plugged them into my speakers, and they have never ceased to amaze since (I recently purchased the current Crystal Series Version).  Stunning improvement in: detail retrieval, ambiance and spatial presentation, vocal and instrumental color, transient and dynamic impact, and harmonic completeness.  The Speaker Bullets will effectively filter out most all of the hash and jitter at the speaker terminals in order to create an extremely blacker background in the music reproduction resulting in all the improvement described above..  No snake-oil here.  These bad boys work, and  are definitely for real.  They act in the same manner, and are just as effective on all speakers, no matter the brand or the price tag.  The Bullets aren't cheap, but they are miracle workers, indeed, and (IMHO) worth every penny.  I'm so glad that I was one of the fortunate few that was in the right place, at the right time, to be exposed to the Bybee Speaker Bullets.  I will never, ever, be without them in my system.                    


Showing 2 responses by allenf1963

" the retail price of $3,000 (per set of 4), with two sets required for bi-wire loudspeakers."


@mijostyn   😂😂🤣  A-Freaking-Men.  I do my best to ignore the ongoing debate on this site regarding what some consider legitimate products and what others consider "snake oil".  To each their own, and live and let live is the ethos I have tried to live my life by for nearly 60 years.  But even this one makes me chuckle.  $3,000 to $6,000 ON TOP OF THE PRICE PAID FOR SPEAKERS -- absolutely f**king 1st World Problems. 


I mean, what price range of speakers are these "magic bullets" marketing towards -- $25K, $50K, $100K??  It has to be a ridiculously high starting price, otherwise the pricing scale would make even less sense than it already does.  Surely someone doesn't buy $10K speakers and add an extra $3K or $ might as well shop in the $15K to $20K speaker range.


Alas, all I ask is one thing -- to those music lovers buying these "magic bullets", please include me in your Last Will and Testament.  Assuming you have any money left over.



@spenav -- If you thought I was expressing concern for, or feeling sorry for those individuals purchasing the "Magic Bullet" products, I need to badly refresh, rehone, and polish up my Journalism skills. I could not care any less on what individuals do with their hard-earned (or easily inherited) fortunes.


They can donate it to charity, invest it in the newest and most trendy NFT’s, use it as firewood kindling, purchase every "Magic Bullet" in existence, or wipe their rear ends with it and flush it down the crapper. Every option achieves the same result -- an easy and voluntary way to separate someone from their fortune.


I’m merely suggesting another easy option -- "Brotha can you spare a dime?"