This is an old thread but having owned a Audio store ,having a good audio tech
and experimenting with plenty of mods of blind testing . I but Bybees in gear
starting with digital for sure a positive I went to preamp,amp they kept adding
up to 16 in my system ,too many it took away I recommend on the plus, minus
and ground if on AC at minimum ,plus, minus on input and anywherenoise is like after a power supply ,that is for a technician
the speaker purifiers install either inside at the inside where the wire is solderedto the input terminal ,I just cut and solder , or where it comes out of the Xover , I have seen excellent results 2 on the input of every driver , it was noticably more defined ,they take over 150 hours to fully settle in
these speakers were Over $60 k , we recorded 6 songs ,recorded them all at the same spl level , they after putting the Bybeees in fir a week 175 hours
and recorded these same 6 songs from a top reel to reel ,it was better judged by all 5 present ,played back 4 times.
on a pair of Amphion 1-18, or consumer version known as the Argon 3S
just on the inside plus minus ,the speaker day one a bit more refined
after 100 hours without question lowlevel detail was more defined and a bit more transparency ,I guess like a cable upgrade from say I $500 interconnect to Anne 2x the price , this applied to all music, even brighter recordings became a bit
less edgy. I have well over 1000 hours with them ,the runin part is a must
the better the equipment the more defined for higher end products on average
allow more information ,meaning put on at least a $2500 speaker minimum ,
they do work ,what % in your system ? 5% is a solid average on the speakers
ifthat is worth $700 to you then go for it.
and experimenting with plenty of mods of blind testing . I but Bybees in gear
starting with digital for sure a positive I went to preamp,amp they kept adding
up to 16 in my system ,too many it took away I recommend on the plus, minus
and ground if on AC at minimum ,plus, minus on input and anywherenoise is like after a power supply ,that is for a technician
the speaker purifiers install either inside at the inside where the wire is solderedto the input terminal ,I just cut and solder , or where it comes out of the Xover , I have seen excellent results 2 on the input of every driver , it was noticably more defined ,they take over 150 hours to fully settle in
these speakers were Over $60 k , we recorded 6 songs ,recorded them all at the same spl level , they after putting the Bybeees in fir a week 175 hours
and recorded these same 6 songs from a top reel to reel ,it was better judged by all 5 present ,played back 4 times.
on a pair of Amphion 1-18, or consumer version known as the Argon 3S
just on the inside plus minus ,the speaker day one a bit more refined
after 100 hours without question lowlevel detail was more defined and a bit more transparency ,I guess like a cable upgrade from say I $500 interconnect to Anne 2x the price , this applied to all music, even brighter recordings became a bit
less edgy. I have well over 1000 hours with them ,the runin part is a must
the better the equipment the more defined for higher end products on average
allow more information ,meaning put on at least a $2500 speaker minimum ,
they do work ,what % in your system ? 5% is a solid average on the speakers
ifthat is worth $700 to you then go for it.