hi guys i have a slight buzz comming out of my speakers. if i use the cheater plug on the amp the buzz goes away from the tweater and stays in the mid range speaker . it is very low and it does not increase when i turn the volumn up or interfear with the sound quality. its driving me crazy only beacuase i cannot fix it. i called kevin from cary audio he said cheater plugs, i called the dealer where i bought my system. he said cheater plugs. i also have a satalite system an a home theater system. the house was wired by myself so there is no problem there. even when i turn every thing off the buzz is still there. the only thing i can think of is that its comming from my refridgerator. which is on the same line. if the satalite system is off but still plugged in would this matter. i only have the cheater plug on my amp . can i put cheater pluggs on the cd player and the pre amp. its sucks when you spend $600 per power cord and you have to put a 99 cent cheater plug please help.
Sounds like a serious ground problem Stang. Mondial makes a device(can't think of the name at the moment)that might fix your problem. Check out there web site. Good luck
i spoke to my friend who is an electrican he told me that he could probally fix it from the electrical box and change the ground. i just want to make sure it does not hurt my speakers. thanks for the infomation. its a very faint buzz the dealer told me its ok but it needs to be fixed. you know us audiofiles. every thing has to be perfect.
I have found that sometimes in my system improperly shielded interconnects can cause a buzz like that. If you have some spare interconnects, try swapping them out and see if the buzz changes or disappears.
I had a similar buzz that turned out to be induced by the RFI from light dimmer switches. If you got 'em, check 'em... Good Luck
Plato, with improperly sheilded interconnects, do mean, say, Nordost? (whose design is supposed to fight RFI/EMI). I have a similar hum, and wonder if replacing my Blue Heavens would make a difference; but what link in the chain should you isolate/replace the interconnects first?
Call me silly, but why is your stereo on the same line as the fridge?? I would get the circuit for the fridge removed from your stereo circuit as soon as possible and run the stereo on dedicated wiring...
Do you have a TV set connected to your Preamp? If you do then the buzz could be comming from it. The antennas / cable / satelites are grounded which creates a big ground loop.
thanks for the awnser guys. i have direct electrical liones to my amps and have moved sothe buzz is gone.