Buying used audio equipment in peron in Canada

Anyone has ever bought used audio equipment in person in Canada and took it back to USA ? What is the cost associated with that. What taxes do you pay at the border ? What if you paid cash ? 
Thanks !


Showing 3 responses by nonoise

@devinplombier Me getting tedious? You're kidding, right? Soon after I factually refuted your comment, my post was deleted, only for to you say what I refuted again. What, pray tell, does that seem like to anyone following this thread?

It could be some admirer of yours or the silent type who's afraid to post and lets you do all the talking but to me, you're all from the same cloth and are interchangeable. 

All the best,

Keep on plodding along with the same inane and uniformed comments on what you don't know. It's all we have for entertainment tonight. 

As for this jewel,

And the DNC Polling Analysts still won't publicly admint why Harris got her tail whipped in every metric that is analyzed 😆.

That followed your protests about being so apolitical and misunderstood, only to have it betray what you said. You're not fooling anyone with an ounce of brains. That, and Harris did not get her tail whipped by any measure. Your orange tin god wanna be autocrat won by about 1.5%. The fourth lowest in our history. 

All the best,

And there goes good ol' @devinplombier, deleting my post that refute his ridiculous claims. Why is it you can't tolerate an informed rebuttal? Do you honestly think that those who've already read my response have forgotten it or that it's now gone, it's like I never said it?

 Keep on censoring valid opinions and see how far it gets you. Pathetic. 

All the best,