Buying used audio equipment in peron in Canada

Anyone has ever bought used audio equipment in person in Canada and took it back to USA ? What is the cost associated with that. What taxes do you pay at the border ? What if you paid cash ? 
Thanks !


Showing 5 responses by grislybutter

As a Canadian, I truely believe our response would not be so aggressive if our country was not threatened to be taken over

it must be terrifying (besides surreal and incredibly dumb) and I am very sorry and embarrassed 

WHERE do you think Canada is going to be able to turn

yeah, I get that bully logic. Canada should just become your slave because they have limited options. Declaring Canada the 51st state, the president the governor is seriously the most primitive, disgusting threat I have heard in my lifetime. My fellow Americans continue to shock me.

you keep proving my point. It's NOT poker. That's a gross misunderstanding of international relationship WITH ALLIES. I am even more embarrassed that you keep digging this hole. Countries are not for sale, to be annexed by their bigger, dumber neighbors. I could go on and on but I would have to start with the basics, middle school world history? Look at the history of Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union, Israel. Endless bloody genocides, starvation and wars when the country with the bigger army thinks it's a poker game. There is no such card as independence and freedom of a people, when it's used as a card, it's always a giant disaster.

btw I am planning to buy a used amp from Canada. So if it's shipped, the carrier will take care of collecting whatever the applicable fee is? They will hold it until I pay the customs and fees? 

I bought several audio items from Canada in the past, and there were no issues, it was shipped and arrived without any fees and the proper paperwork. I guess it was the shipper's side who documents it?