Buying they vary???

Been posting about degrading tubes. Thinking I'm in need of new.

Sites like and the are out there. I spotted Electro-Harmonix 6550 tubes on By name these are the same as the ones I have in my Conrad Johnson Premier 12 mono block power amps that Conrad Johnson sold me.

Would they perform just the same? You would think so but perhaps I'm missing something. Also, a suggestion of where to buy replacements would be greatly appreciated.

Certainly need to get the performance that I got when I bought those Electro-Hamonix from Conrad Johnson at the end of the day...

Thank you!


Showing 1 response by tomcy6

NOS tubes come in white boxes because most tubes were bought in bulk by manufacturers or large scale users of electronic equipment. They came in boxes of 100 or maybe even 500. Individually boxed tubes were a smaller piece of the market.

There are still new tubes around, a lot of them actually, but a lot of tubes sold as NOS are not.