Buying from China

What do you think the impact will be in buying gear from China in the near future. Will the parts supply chain be depleted. Will part s other then those specify be substituted.? Will wait times for electrics will be extended. I can get pretty paranoid about it. Interested in the options of those with better insights. Should I wait awhile until things settle down befor I place my next order? I imagine things are going to be tough for the small hi end audio manufacturer.

Showing 6 responses by millercarbon

Yes. And yes. As usual.

The CCP is the government of China. Yes the CCP allows people to own property and make money. Right up the the point the CCP decides to take peoples property and money. In other words instead of communism in the we all own the property sense, its communism in the you have no real property rights sense. But hey don't take my word for it. I have a real live Chinese national sitting not 50 feet from me, you PM me your number I will have him give you a call and splain it to you.
The C Virus is a sad situation and should not be held against these Chinese manufacturers.  Most are very good business people and will deal with you right up front.  If you do not recognize this situation than it is to your detriment....

Nice example of how to elide. Look it up. 

You want to talk business practice, fine. Before the Melody I had a SS integrated made in China. Unlike Melody, designed in China. 100% China. Developed a noise within a year. Dealer had to hound them to get any response. Eventually two of them said they would replace my amp, came to my house, heard the problem, promised to do something, then stopped even returning calls. Only Stewart being willing to take a loss for a friend saved me from what would have been my first and only total loss in 30 years in audio.

I never even bring this up until and unless someone is misinformed enough to try and stand up for Chinese business practices. As if being the most prolific industrial pirates on the planet isn't well known enough already. 

And here we go again. 100% accurate information casts CCP in a bad light, some snowflake gets triggered and mods take it down in three, two, one...
So much immaturity, so little capacity for thought.

My Melody was bought used and more than a dozen years ago. I guess by the "logic" of some around here that means my thinking has to be frozen, or I can’t change my mind without first divesting myself of every last remnant of what I thought years ago. Probably should just throw it all away. In order to satisfy the chatterers. As if that would do it. As if anything would.

Jobs follow incentives. Buyers seek value. Pass regulations that make employment costly, make your fiat paper currency dear, don’t be surprised when jobs disappear. For generations we have lived through the managed decline of America. A decline that seemed inevitable and was even gathering steam until the right man came down a certain escalator. Everything changed that day. The world is changing, and for the better. All thanks to the man who came down the escalator.