Buyer Beware!

Man, I'm pissed! What about sellers that post over $6000 in analog gear then they don't return any email answers for 2 days. Then you find after your 4th email the seller has deleted the item. He answered the 5th email in which I asked for an explanation with "when I checked my email this morning I had 50 emails on the _____ and I sold it to the first email which I thought was fair and deleted the listing since it was sold" This item was posted for sale at approximately 50 % of retail at around 11pm est this past Wednesday evening and I emailled immediately with a message I would pay his asking price. He didn't answer until after his deletion with his lame reply. I feel as though someone's full of sh*t. I can't leave negative feedback as there was no transaction per se. So buyers beware of first time sellers here. And check them for feedback or lack of. I've been a member of this community for about 6 months and really like buying and selling here. I also enjoy the boards. Maybe the Powers that Be here could create a new class of sellers here. Like something along the lines of a Verifed Seller or denote on posted ads that the individual is a first time seller. I apologize for blowing off steam, but I still think I've been lied to by someone who still has other gear posted here for sale.
Sober1, I think if you e-mail some one more than once, you should proably stay away. You may be unhappy about losing a good deal, but that is better than losing your money. I got burned by a seller than no longer does business here. E-mail answers were slow and I should have known the service would be the same. As well as them not keeping their word or being honest. By the way it was "SoundWorks Online" in Kensington, MD(Audigon name--Audiobuys). I wouldn't buy a portable radio from those crooks. Anyway Buyer Beware is right. If some one doesn't answer me in a reasonable time, any weird circumstances come up, or has negative feedback, I simply won't do business with them. I'm surprised some of you guys don't answer e-mail. I feel like I have the obligation to answer all e-mail. I extend the same courtesy to other people that I would like. I think that identifies a persons character. Anyway, watch for signs of how people conduct themselves; it will proably save you money in the end. Buyer Beware!! Just my $0.02.......LR
My recent experience is a bit worse. I just purchased a pair of speaker cables on a direct sale @ Audigon. The seller was very communicative as long as I was still making up my mind. I paid the full asking price via PayPal, and he acknowledged payment receipt and said he would ship right away. This was a week ago, Despite repeated e-mails, he has failed to confirm shipment or provide a tracking in number. In fact, he has not replied to a single e-mail. There are always plausible excuses (he could be travelling, his e-mail could be down, etc), but this and a nother recent "close call" make me leery of Audiogon more and more everyday. It really does take only a few bad apples to spoil the whole barrel.
after about 15 or 20 buy\sell deals i've done on audiogon I've only gotten stiffed once.Most of the people i've dealt with have been really good people here on audiogon. After talking to a few people that do the e-commerce thing it seems that most people have had the most trouble buying or selling to\from Florida residents.Dont know why that is.
I have done 5 transactions on ebay in last 3 weeks and all went well, maybe Im lucky, but Ive had more problems and wasted emails on audiogon...
Alexc: who was the dealer/person your transaction was with??I always hate the time where they have my money/and I have no product.In a paypal deal, shipping should be immediate / or he should tell you an order has been placed,and when you will get your product.That is, if it has to be ordered. I always ask if the product is in stock,and ready to ship.