Buyer Beware

Audiogon has seen a number of fake accounts trying to rip off members. If you come across an item that seems very low in price and advertised by a brand new member the chances are it is a fake account trying to rip you off. My suggestion is to not attempt to buy from any of these accounts.


They have figured out how to get bogus tracking accounts from USPS, which look like an item was delivered to your house. Until you can prove that nothing was delivered, which can take time, you are out of your money. In some cases, the more that time passes the less likely you can prove this.


I’m not sure why Audiogon can not do a better job of filtering these scammers out but there are a number of ads up now that are most definitely scams.


Showing 1 response by gdnrbob

Before returning to Audio, I was buying and selling watches. That hobby is even worse than audio.

Though wire transfer is considered safe, crooks know how to evade the system and screw you even when you use that.



The best advice is to use common sense and if you are suspicious, to ask the seller to send a photo of the item with something identifying-like your name, date or the front page of a national newspaper.

Pay with a credit card or paypal (not Friends and Family). References are good, too.-But, someone starting out won't have ref's, and that doesn't necessarily mean that they are scammers. Face it, we all had to start somewhere.

If the seller has no feedback, ask to call them. A short conversation should give you a sense of who they are. In my many buys/sells, I have found 99% of the people to be honest.

And, buying here on Audiogon offers some very good protection against getting ripped off, as Tammy usually sorts things out.
