Buy a hi-end CD player/transport now?

Thinking about buying a hi-end CD player/transport such as CARY 306 or the like. I'm wondering about waiting for some hi-end CD/DVD players that will support SACD/DVD-audio as well. One of those formats will eventually win out. The mass merchandise guys already have these all-purpose players so it's only a matter of time for Meridian, Cary...etc, right?

I'm concerend about spending $$$ now for a CD player only to find the other formats come to be and then having to buy another unit.

What do you think?

Showing 1 response by ncarv

I kept waiting . . . and waiting . . . and waiting. I felt like Ralph Kramden putting of buying a television because he was waiting for 3D-TV.
I finally decided to get something as a stopgap. The Sony DVP-9000ES plays DVD, CD, and SACD and the redbook CD sound is absolutely amazing, especially considering it's a multi-player. Don't take my word for it . . . search the reviews on-line. List is down to $1200 from $1500, but you can buy it for less than $900 at some of the discount places on-line.
Now I'll wait for something really special that will play SACD, DVD-A, CDR, and all in multi-channel. (BTW, the Sony doesn't play CDR, if that's something important to you.)