OK so you're talking about components, not speaker right? Speakers vibrate, components shouldn't. the answer is the same but for slightly different reasons. so I'll give you my 2c. I'm a physicist and I like to keep things simple.
So if you want your components to NOT be vibrated from the floor or the cabinet, you need to isolate them. To do this, you need something that doesn't transmit vibrations. Solids transmit vibrations very well. Rubber and sand, less so. Springs are the best at not transmitting vibrations. So I put the relatively cheap Nobosound or similar under my important equipment.
Hate to say it but butcherblock is good hard wood and transmits vibrations pretty well. You mention "decoupling discs". not sure what that is. maybe gel, which is probably similar to rubber and somewhat decouples but less than springs.
Spikes do the opposite of decoupling. they couple.