Burt Reynolds has passed away

Sorry, I know this really isn't audio related, but I really liked Burt.

R.I.P. Burt, thanks for all the great movies!


Showing 1 response by limomangus

Burt was the man in late 70s to mid 80s.I remember watching him as a Mississippi Pliot on a River Boat when I was a kid.He was always entertaining .Yeah i saw,those movie roles he turned down .He would of made a great Hans Solo .But he was great as the Bandit and in  Boogie Nites and the Crew .It was a shame seeing his body break down in later years .He did a lot of his own stunts and was a Mans Man.Thank you Burt for all the laughts  and great movies .Your in Heaven with your Gang  now .Yeah ,with your feet up having a Sotch  n a cigar .RIP ,Bandit .