Burned Out

I recently got caught up in the tube swapping craze. I have a tubed amp and preamp. I researched things as well as I could for only having access to the internet and forums like this. I also was in contact with the owner of a very well known vintage tube dealer. I bought two tubes from eBay from dealers with a long history on eBay and high customer review rating. Both tubes from eBay were for my preamp, one  was a Brimar and the other Melz 1578 6sn7 tubes manufactured in the 50’s or 60’s. The Brimar only played through one channel and at first dealer tried dispute the fact that it malfunctioned and then contacted me saying he was now having the same issue. The Melz red plated on me and was very microphonic. The dealer is in the Ukraine so I’m waiting to see if I will get my refund. And, last but not least one of the most reputable dealers recommended a tube RCA and has stated he stands behind his product. But, what happens when his product causes damage to your preamp? My preamp now plays only through one channel. When I called up the dealer about the noise the tube was making, I was told follow the instructions regarding microphonics and that there was no way the tube would damage my equipment. There was a recommended break in period of around 48 hrs. Well long story short, my preamp is not functioning and has to be sent back to manufacturer and as of on out $115 for the tube. So my question is are NOS tubes worth all the risk? Are the newer tubes that bad that I have to sacrifice the working condition of my gear for a possible sound improvement? I would like to know your thoughts. Are tubes the Shuguang Black treasure, Northern Electric, a safer risk. I’m venting right now, but looking for answers

Showing 4 responses by sidog1460

I’m not going to complain and put down someone’s business, but the dealer was one of the first rate sellers. I contacted him when I thought there was an issue(I’m somewhat new to tube rolling). I followed his instructions and kinda let my guards down thinking I was being too cautious and he had to be right. I learned the hard way, no one cares about your gear as much as you, and no one knows everything about every single amp or preamp and how it will respond to something new in your system. Sure he’ll probably replace the tube, but I’m stuck with the repairs and shipping.

The short story is, it was a rca vt231 gray glass tube. Highly recommended. Placed the tube in my preamp, which only requires one tube. Right away I had some concerns about the noise. Called the dealer who advised me how to deal w the issue and that I couldn’t do any damage to my system. And, the rest is history the noise continued and my preamps volumne can’t be increased without the a deafening static like roar. And, yes I removed the tube in question and placed the original back in and got the same result. Manufacturer of preamp has to inspect for location of the damage. No more tube rolling with NOS tubes for me. 
Well, my preamp designer has always been very helpful, he repaired my preamp for free. He makes his equip himself, so as long as the parts were moderately priced he had no problem doing it for free, three hundred for shipping is what I came out of pocket. I replaced all my NOS tubes(6sn7) with some Black Treasures and they sound great and very quiet(so far). No more experimenting w NOS tubes for me. There’s no guarantee’s with anything we do, but after 3 times at bat and 3 strike outs I’m done.