Burn In

Can anyone tell me what the proper procedure for burning in new CD players, or where to find it.
I discovered something interesting about burn in and bass. If you want to increase your bass response in your equipment, run Bela Fleck's "Flight of the cosmic hippo" on repeat for a few hours. Watch out, because it generates heat fast. It warms my amp in minutes. I believe it works for a CD player, based on my experience. Come back to deeper warmer more holographic base, depending on your equipment of course. It wont work a miracle.

Now comes the rub, burn in, I know when you buy a piece of beef at the market you have to cook it before you eat it, the last thing I rolled was not a tube but a joint.

That's funny, when was the last time you rolled a joint?
Seriously, just let it play and report back with your findings.
Rgreene, I'm a South GA guy myself from Jacksonville. Anyways, you're worrying too much. Either burn it in or don't. It the long haul it won't matter. If you like the sound now, then put it out of your mind. If it's a little congested and has some glare, then burn it in for 100-hours plus to if that doesn't open things up.

Well you guys have me thoroughly confused. Just a little background, my system – amp, MC7200N, pre amp, C-29, first CD player MC7007, running through a set of Klipsch Cornwalls, just a modest system but a I like it and others say it sounds pretty good. I have just purchased a new Jolida JD100 Tube CD and have been reading a lot about this thing, have real good reviews. Of course, you have to take into consideration that I am 61 years old and do not hear so well any more, I do wear a hearing aid on occasion, but I just turn it up louder.
Now I am not an electrical engineer (Masters in Civil Engineering) so I do not know a whole lot about all of this electrons and protons. It just seems a little odd that the guys that design, build, and manufacture a piece of equipment like the Jolida fall short somewhere because it seems that everyone wants change the tubes, power cords and everything else they can think of, do they know more than the design engineers or just think they do, damn strange.
Now comes the rub, burn in, I know when you buy a piece of beef at the market you have to cook it before you eat it, the last thing I rolled was not a tube but a joint. Again it just doesn’t seem right that you have to burn in all the components, CD player, speaker cables, inter connects, you half wear the silly thing out before it starts to sound good. I guess what they are saying is that the design engineers don’t know what the hell they are doing, they sure know a lot more than me. I have never heard of having to burn in a cd player from Radio Shack nor do you just do it to real expensive stuff.
Please, some one help me out, I’m just a dumb old country boy from the mountains of GA. Is there a real simple answer or does it all have to be complicated?
The proper procedure is to play the thing. You will likely suffer much less than folklore has it. It isn't as good at first as it may become but it isn't usually that wretched or that intolerable while devolping. It will burn in with use. If perchance it is unbearable while going through the burn in just do as the others have said get a dynamic CD attach a load (I disagree there) and leave it on repeat until its nice and toasty.
Just set it to repeat playing full range music through your preamp. The amp can be off and the preamp can even be off. About a week will get you up into the 150 hour range, which is generally enough (not always). White noise and pink noise doesn't seem to work as well as real music. I use lots of bass and highs. I think it's a waste to buy a special burn-in CD, but go ahead if that attracts you.

Put in livley cd and hit repeat.Deppending on man ufacturers recommendation.At least 15o hrs....